
MMC 6936 - Multimedia Editing

3 Credits

This course covers the many levels of the editing/coaching process that happens when producing journalistic work—ranging from high-level critical thinking to editing with precision. The editing techniques covered will focus on writing, audio, video and photos, so that the editing tools can be applied to multiple forms of journalism—from short-form social media to longer-form narratives and a variety of genres in between. Emphasis will be on tools that are used to help journalists produce compelling content relevant to specific audiences.

In this course, students will learn to:

  • Use peer review techniques to analyze the potentially publishable work of others.
  • Provide constructive criticism to others.
  • Practice professional ethics and collaboration in the pursuit of truth, accuracy, fairness, diversity and inclusion.
  • Demonstrate leadership and coaching strategies newer journalists.
  • Practice developing relationships with ethical professionals in the communications industry.
  • Develop story ideas based on audience analysis and relevance.
  • Demonstrate the latest reporting, interviewing, storytelling, writing, and technical skills to identify story deficiencies and improve the quality of publishable content for journalism, digital and social media.
  • Identify story deficiencies and improve quality across variety of media platforms.
  • Edit multimedia stories using a range of macro (coaching) and micro (precision) editing skills.

Prerequisites: None.

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