MMC 6936 - Social Media for Journalists
3 Credits
This course covers the relationship between journalists and audiences, which has changes from a one-way broadcast model to a two-way method of communication. As journalists need to have a respect for an understanding of the people journalism is designed to cover, this course will look at how a collaborative culture is changing journalism and how journalists operate in this world. Course will cover social-media strategy and tools, audience engagement, reporting through social media and more.
In this course, students will learn to:
- Articulate why and how audiences have an increasingly large role to play in journalistic processes and products.
- Craft journalism that is strategically designed to reach target audiences in predetermined ways.
- Analyze and explain what role journalists and users will fill as information needs change along with the media landscape.
- Analyze, compare, and contrast target “audiences” and what various audiences mean for specific brands, projects, or stories.
- Explain what success means for various types of journalism in terms of its audience.
Prerequisites: None.
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