Social Media’s Impact on News Consumption and Reporting
By Evan Kropp
One of social media’s most significant impacts has happened slowly over the past decade. Social media platforms have become the gateway for how an increasing number of Americans, especially younger generations, access news. Platforms like Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, and X (formerly Twitter) provide users with a curated feed of content, including updates from friends and entertainment and news stories from various sources.
This shift toward social media as a news hub has changed the landscape of journalism and how information is disseminated. A recent survey from Pew Research Center underscored the magnitude of that shift. Social media now plays a central role in how Americans access news. More than half of U.S. adults (54%) said they at least sometimes get their news from social media, and a quarter of all adults said they do so often.
This trend makes a presence on social media crucial for news organizations, as well as having people on staff with expertise in digital journalism and the best practices for using social media as a news outlet. Earning an MA in Mass Communication provides professionals with this expertise.
Social Media Platforms With The Biggest Influence
One of the primary reasons for social media’s dominance in news distribution is its accessibility. According to Pew Research, Facebook ranks as the most popular platform for accessing news, followed by YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram. Among those under 30, TikTok has seen the most rapid growth.
Convenience is essential for these platforms’ success. They allow users to access news from the same place they engage with other content. They are a digital “one-stop shop” for entertainment, communication, and information. These platforms, especially X, also excel at delivering breaking news in real-time. This speed of dissemination has made social media vital during major global events, natural disasters, and other events where real-time updates are crucial.
LinkedIn notes that social media platforms are now the “go-to source for breaking news and trending stories” because they ensure that people “are among the first to know about unfolding events.”
Challenges of Social Media as a New Source
Offering a personalized experience is another attraction of social media platforms. Algorithms drive what people see based on their past behavior and interests. However, that makes it far more likely that people will encounter news and opinions that align with their preferences. This can lead to information bubbles where users are only exposed to viewpoints reinforcing their beliefs, limiting their exposure to diverse perspectives.
Misinformation and spreading false news are also significant concerns, as sensational or emotionally charged stories tend to go viral faster on social media. This makes it harder for users to discern credible news from inaccurate or biased information, leading to rising concerns about the overall reliability of news consumed through social media.
This situation also makes a presence on social media even more critical for legitimate news organizations. By having a large presence on these platforms, they can direct readers to news reported by professional journalists, not news filtered through the opinion of someone looking to slant the news.
Another challenge for journalists is the speed and volume of information on social media. Where once reporters typically had hours to gather the facts and report on a news event, they may now find themselves under immense pressure to deliver news quickly. Combating inaccurate information posted by those not in journalism, who may rush to publish something without proper verification or, at the very least, without an adequate level of accuracy and depth, is often essential.
How People Get News on Social Media
A separate Pew Research Center news release delved into how people get their news from social media. Most Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok users do not use those sites primarily to access news. The exception is X, where most respondents (65%) said keeping up with news is a major reason they use the site.
However, most users do see news on all four of these social media platforms, but it’s a far cry from how generations in the past consumed news. Back then, people read the morning newspaper or watched the evening news to find out what was happening. Today, most social media users find out about news because they see someone either expressing an opinion or making a funny comment about a news event.
“On the whole, more people see these types of posts than news articles or breaking news,” Pew Research reported. That presents another challenge for professional journalists seeking to present the facts about a news event, not opinion or comedy. This is another area where professional communicators with an education in social media can make a difference.
Students in the MA in Mass Communication program from the University of Florida College of Journalism and Communication prepare themselves for a variety of careers. They include concentrations in digital journalism or social media. Other concentrations include Digital Strategy, Global Strategic Communication, Public Interest Communication, Public Relations, and Web Design.
Professionals in the MA in Mass Communication program learn skills needed to become leaders in their chosen niche of the communications field. They also benefit from the strong, global network of fellow University of Florida graduates.
Posted: January 29, 2025
Category: UF CJC Online Blog
Tagged as: digital journalism, Evan Kropp